CGPA and Percentage Calculator

CGPA and Percentage Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Percentage to CGPA Calculator


In today’s world, academic performance is often measured in terms of cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and percentage. These metrics are used by institutions to evaluate a student’s overall academic progress and help in making decisions about their future education or career opportunities. However, converting between these two scales can be a tedious process, especially for students who are not familiar with the calculation methods.
To make things easier, we have developed a CGPA and Percentage Calculator tool that helps students convert their grades from one scale to another quickly and accurately.

What is a CGPA?

Cumulative Grade Point Average or CGPA is a standardized measure of academic performance used by institutions worldwide. It is a scale that ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest possible score. This score indicates the overall academic standing of a student based on their grades in all courses.

What is Percentage?

Percentage is another commonly used measure of academic performance, which represents the percentage of marks obtained out of the total marks available for a particular course or subject. It is typically measured on a scale of 0 to 100%, with 100% being the highest achievable score. Why use our CGPA and Percentage Calculator tool?
Converting between CGPA and percentage can be confusing for students, especially when different institutions use different scales. Our calculator removes the need for manual calculations and provides accurate results in just a few clicks. This tool is especially useful for students who are planning to apply for further studies, scholarships or jobs that require conversion of grades.

How does it work?

Our CGPA and Percentage Calculator tool is simple and user-friendly. It consists of two calculators – one for converting CGPA to percentage and another for converting percentage to CGPA. Users can choose their preferred grade scaling (4.0, 5.0 or 10.0) from the dropdown menu, enter their score and click on the “Calculate” button to get the equivalent value in the other scale.


Easy-to-use interface
Accurate and reliable results
Option to choose between 4.0, 5.0 or 10.0 grade scaling


CGPA to Marks and Marks to CGPA Calculator

CGPA is a numerical representation of a student’s overall academic performance, while percentage represents the average marks obtained by the student in all subjects.

How is CGPA calculated?

CGPA is calculated by dividing the sum of all the grade points obtained by the total number of credits. For example, if a student scored 8 grade points in one subject worth  3 credits, and 9 grade points in another subject worth 4 credits, their CGPA would be (8+9)/(3+4) = 8.14.

How is percentage calculated from CGPA?

Percentage can be calculated by multiplying the CGPA with 9.5. For example, if a student has a CGPA of 8.14, their percentage would be 8.14*9.5 = 77.33%.

Can I directly convert my percentage to CGPA or vice versa?

No, you cannot directly convert your percentage to CGPA or vice versa because both are calculated using different methods.

What is the conversion formula for converting CGPA to percentage and vice versa?

The formula for converting CGPA to percentage is (CGPA*9.5). To convert percentage to CGPA, you can use the formula (percentage/9.5).

Is there a difference in the CGPA system used in different countries?

Yes, there may be slight differences in the CGPA system used in different countries. It is important to check with your educational institution or refer to their grading policy for accurate conversion.

Does my CGPA affect my job opportunities?

Many companies consider both a student’s CGPA and overall academic performance when hiring. However, it is not the only factor that determines job opportunities and other skills and experience also play a significant role.


Converting grades from one scale to another can be a challenging task, but our CGPA and Percentage Calculator tool makes it effortless and hassle-free. Students can use this tool to quickly convert their grades and save time and effort in manual calculations. We believe that with the help of this tool, students can focus more on their studies and achieve their academic goals with ease.
Try out our CGPA and Percentage Calculator today and make your grade conversions stress-free!